About Us


Generational Organic Farming: Both Maternal and Paternal Families have been in Canada for over 300 years. Combining ancient agricultural knowledge and cutting-edge science.

Plethora of experience in production and marketing; clients have included a famous chef (with a store, 4 restaurants and TV show), doctors, nurses, medical technicians, First Nations/Aboriginal leaders, persons with dietary restrictions/allergies and special needs individuals.

Addressed, hosted and gave large gardening groups practical lessons on organic food production. Advised Agronomists, Mennonite and general farming communities.

Supplied food banks, women’s shelters, and disadvantaged seniors.

Contributed to and provided guidance for the launching of several Farmer’s Markets.

We have addressed and given large established gardening groups practical lessons on organic food production.

Farmers are the same across the globe in every country and ethnic culture.

Food is the new currency – you cannot eat the money.

GDP (Gross domestic product) is directly related to the net import/export of food. Throughout history food has been and continues to be used as a weapon of war.

Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.

The same holds true for farming.

Give a person produce and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to grow food and you feed them for a lifetime.

Ancient agricultural knowledge + cutting-edge science

